Declare @SBUCode2 varchar(50)
Declare @Percentage2 varchar(50)
Declare @CONTROLID2 int
Declare @countSBU int,@countPER int
Declare @SBU int,@PER numeric
Declare sBUCur cursor local scroll for Select CONTROLID,SBUCode,Percentage from #tblAcVoucherFinal where CONTROLID= @CONTROLID
open sBUCur
fetch next from sBUCur into @CONTROLID2,@SBUCode2,@Percentage2
while not @@fetch_status <> 0
--here its getting count of SBU after splitting commas
Select @countSBU= count(*) from dbo.split(@SBUCode2,',')
declare @I int=0
WHILE @I <= @countSBU-1
--here its getting value of SBU n Percentage as per ID from Split Function and Saving in table
Select @SBU=Value from dbo.split(@SBUCode2,',') where id=@I
Select @PER=Value from dbo.split(@Percentage2,',') where id=@I
Insert into tblAcvoucherDetails_SBU (VNo,SBUCode,Percentage,TransDate,UserID)
Values(@VNo,@SBU,@PER ,@Trans_Date,@UserID)
SET @I = @I + 1
fetch next from sBUCur into @CONTROLID2,@SBUCode2,@Percentage2
close sBUCur
deallocate sBUCur
Declare @Percentage2 varchar(50)
Declare @CONTROLID2 int
Declare @countSBU int,@countPER int
Declare @SBU int,@PER numeric
Declare sBUCur cursor local scroll for Select CONTROLID,SBUCode,Percentage from #tblAcVoucherFinal where CONTROLID= @CONTROLID
open sBUCur
fetch next from sBUCur into @CONTROLID2,@SBUCode2,@Percentage2
while not @@fetch_status <> 0
--here its getting count of SBU after splitting commas
Select @countSBU= count(*) from dbo.split(@SBUCode2,',')
declare @I int=0
WHILE @I <= @countSBU-1
--here its getting value of SBU n Percentage as per ID from Split Function and Saving in table
Select @SBU=Value from dbo.split(@SBUCode2,',') where id=@I
Select @PER=Value from dbo.split(@Percentage2,',') where id=@I
Insert into tblAcvoucherDetails_SBU (VNo,SBUCode,Percentage,TransDate,UserID)
Values(@VNo,@SBU,@PER ,@Trans_Date,@UserID)
SET @I = @I + 1
fetch next from sBUCur into @CONTROLID2,@SBUCode2,@Percentage2
close sBUCur
deallocate sBUCur