We will create Class library Project
Then will create MSTest, NUnit, XUnit ProjectNow we will start step by step
I. In Class library Project>>Class1.cs file and below are code snippet
namespace BankAccountLibrary
public class BackAccount
private readonly string CustomerName;
private double balance;
public BackAccount(string cname, double bal)
CustomerName = cname;
balance = bal;
public string GetCustomerName
return CustomerName;
public double GetBalance
return balance;
public void Debit(double amt)
if (amt > balance)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Insufficient balance. Cannot withdraw");
if (amt <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Amount trying to withdraw is invalid");
//intentionally made a error
balance -= amt;
public void Credit(double amt)
if (amt <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Amount trying to withdraw is invalid");
balance += amt;
II. In MSUnit Project>>UnitTest1.cs file and below are code snippet
using BankAccountLibrary;
namespace BankAccountMSTest
public class UnitTest1
public void Debit_WithValidAmount_UpdateBalance()
double BeginningBalance = 20.25;
double debitAmount = 4.75;
double expectedBalance = 15.50;
BackAccount acc = new BackAccount("Martin", BeginningBalance);
double actual = acc.GetBalance;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedBalance, actual, 0.001, "Account not debited as data is wrong");
III. In NUnit Project>>UnitTest1.cs file and below are code snippet
using BankAccountLibrary;
namespace BankAccountNUnitTesting
public class Tests
private BackAccount acc;
public void Setup()
acc = new BackAccount("Martin", 500);
public void Test_Debit_Method()
double amt = 200;
double expected = 400;
var actual = acc.GetBalance;
//Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected));
IV. In XUnit Project>>UnitTest1.cs file and below are code snippet
using BankAccountLibrary;
namespace BankAccountXUnitTesting
public class UnitTest1
private readonly BackAccount acc;
public UnitTest1()
acc = new BackAccount("Martin", 500);
public void Test1()
var expected = 300;
var amt = 200;
var actual = acc.GetBalance;
Assert.NotEqual(expected, actual);
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