1.What is an Exception?
exception is an error that occurs during program execution. Generally, an
exception describes an unexpected event. For example, an exception will occur
if a program requests more memory than the operating system can provide. This
exception is known as an Out of Memory
2.Exception Handling in
Exception handling is an in built mechanism
in .NET framework to detect and handle run time errors. The .NET framework
contains lots of standard exceptions. The exceptions are anomalies that occur
during the execution of a program. They can be because of user, logic or system
errors. If a user (programmer) do not provide a mechanism to handle these
anomalies, the .NET run time environment provide a default mechanism, which
terminates the program execution.
4.Why is it a bad idea to throw your own
Well, if at that point you know that an error
has occurred, then why not write the proper code to handle that error instead
of passing a new Exception object to the catch block? Throwing your own
exceptions signifies some design flaws in the project.
5.What is the purpose of the finally block?
The code in finally block is guaranteed to
run, irrespective of whether an error occurs or not. Critical portions of code,
for example release of file handles or database connections, should be placed
in the finally block.
6.How do you handle errors in C#?
C# and VB.NET use structured error handling
(unlike VB6 and earlier versions where error handling was implemented using
Goto statement). Error handling in both VB.NET and C# is implemented using
Try..Catch..Finally construct (C# uses lower case construct –
7.Describe how exceptions are handled by the
Usually the exceptions
that occur in the try are caught in the catch block. The finally is used to do
all the cleaning up work. But exceptions can occur even in the finally block.
By using CLR, the exception are caught even in the finally block. Also when an
exception is thrown, the CLR looks for an appropriate catch filter that can
handle the exception and then it executes the finally block before terminating
the execution on the catch filter.
8.Does C# have a 'throws' clause?
unlike Java, C# does not require (or even allow) the developer to specify the
exceptions that a method can throw.
9.When should I throw an exception?
is the subject of some debate, and is partly a matter of taste. However, it is
accepted by many that exceptions should be thrown only when an 'unexpected'
error occurs. How do you decide if an error is expected or unexpected? This is
a judgement call, but a straightforward example of an expected error is failing
to read from a file because the seek pointer is at the end of the file, whereas
an example of an unexpected error is failing to allocate memory from the heap.
10.what is the
difference between finally and
finalize() ?
finally:- It is a block associated with try
catch to maintain cleanup code. Finally block will be executed
always irrespective of whether exception is raised or not raised or
whether the exception is handle or not handle.
finalize():- It is a method, Garbage collector always calls
this method just before destroying any object to perform cleanup activities.
11.Difference between "throw" and
"throw ex" in .NET?
If you use "throw"
statement, it preserve original error stack information.
you use"throw ex" statement,
stack trace of the exception will be replaced with a stack trace starting at
the re-throw point.
12.What is the difference between system
exceptions and application ?
-> This class is for exceptions that r usually thrown by the .net
runtime, or which r considered to be of a generic nature and must be thrown by
almost any application. For example, StackOverflowException will be thrown by
the .net runtime if it detects the stack is full.
System.ApplicationException-> This
class is important, becoz it is the intended base for any class of exception
defined by third parties. Hence, if u define any exceptions covering error
conditions unique to ur application, u should derive these directly or
indirectly from System.ApplicationException.
13.A try
block having 4 catch block will fire all catch block or not?
No, A try having
more than one catch block will fire the first relevant catch block after that
cursor will be moved to the finally block (if exists) leaving all remaining
catch blocks.
So in all cases only one catch block will fire.
14.Can we have try block without catch?
Yes,We can write
Try { } Finally { } block. In this case exception will be thrown in try block
if it is but code inside finally block will execute.
15.can we
write return statement in try catch or finally block?
Yes,We can write
the return statement in try catch & finally. The only thing is that even if
we write return statement in try bloack or catch block the finally block will
always get executed.The only case in which finally block does not execute is
when we write System.Environment.Exit(0) in either try or catch.
Try/catch block of exception handling?
You can enclose
code in Try/Catch/Finally block. You can catch all exceptions in the catch
block. The third part of this block is finally. It is executed irrespective of
the fact that an exception has been raised.
17.When can
you use tracing with exception handling?
You can use
tracing with exception handling to log unanticipated exception to the trace
log. The log file can be used to diagnose unanticipated problems and thus can
be corrected.
18.What are
the two diff types of error?
Run time error and Compile time error.
19. What is
the purpose of throw?
In C#, it is possible to explicitly throw an
exception, from the program. The throw keyword is used for doing that.
The general form of throwing an exception is as follows.
System.Exception exception_obj = new ArgumentException("This is my
Exception message");
throw exception_obj;
throw new ArgumentException("This is my Exception message");
20.What are
different types of exception properties ?
Helplink-- provide link to help files
which give more info on the exception raised.
the text that describes the exception.
catch(Exception e)
throw new
then e.Message will give output as
Source--provides the name of
assembly from where exception is raised.
Target Site--name of method that
throws an error
Stack Trace--provides stack flow of
the exception.
Exception--When exception is thrown from one catch to
another the message from first catch
is passed as inner exception to second catch.
21.Is it
mandatory for a piece of code to have catch or finally when try block is there
If a try block is there then either catch or finally has to be there or else a
compiler error is generated.
22.Does finally get executed if the code
throws an error ?
Finally is always executed.
23. How to
throw a custom exception?
The usual try - catch - finally - entry
format has to be followed. However, in this case, instead of using the preset
exceptions from the System. Exception, you define your own Exception class and
inherit Exception or Application Exception class.
need to define three constructors in your Own Exception Class: One without
parameters, other with String parameter for error message and the last one has
to have one parameter as a String and other as an Inner exception object.
24: Can we
get Exception in finally block?
yes, we may get.
25: In which
assembly System namespace is there?
assembly contain system namespace
26. What is
the purpose of Exception Handling?
An exception can occur anytime during the execution of an application. Your
application must be prepared to face such situations. An application will crash
if an exception occurs and it is not handled.
"An exception handler is a piece of code which will be called when an
exception occurs.
27. Is finally block will be execute always?
Yes finally block will be executed always
irrespective of whether exception raised or not raised whether exceptions are
handled or not handle. There is one situation where the finally block won’t be
executed if the CLR is going to be shutdown.
28. If return statement present inside try is
finally block will be executed?
Ans. Yes, if return statement present inside
try, then also finally block will be executed. finally block will dominate
return statement also.
29. Is it possible to write
any statement between try-catch and finally?
Ans. No, it is not possible to write
any statement between try catch and finally. If we will try to write
any statement between them then we will get compile time error.
After throw is it allow to take any statement directly?
Ans. After throw statement we are not
allow to place any statement directly violation leads to compile time error
saying Unreachable Statements.
31.If no exception handling is provided in the program,
what will happen ?
If an exception is not 'handled' in code, the application
will crash and user will see an ugly message. Instead, you can catch the
exception, log the errors and show a friendly message to the user.
is Inner Exception?
InnerException is a property of an exception. When there are series of
exceptions, the most current exception can obtain the prior exception in the
InnerException property.
Let us say we have an exception inside a try block throwing an
ArgumentException and the catch clause catches it and writes it to a file.
However, if the file path is not found, FileNotFoundException is thrown. Let's
say that the outside try block catches this exception, but how about the actual
ArgumentException that was thrown? Is it lost? No, the InnerException property
contains the actual exception. This is the reason for the existence of an
InnerException property for any exception.
nice article.....
ReplyDeletegood... thanks :)