1) Why we use files?
Variables and arrays only provide temporary storage,
they lost when
terminates. But the files are permanent and they are available
any time for the application.
2)What are advantage and disadvantage using file operation?
The main advantage of files are, they are persistent and they are readily
available for the use of application and the
disadvantage is, If the
number of users accessing the same file it will
degrades the performance
of the application.
3)Under which name space file operations can be done?
System.IO name space.
4)Name some classes in System.IO name space?
These are the some important classes under System.IO
name space
a) File
b) FileInfo
c) Directory
d) DirectoryInfo
f) StreamReader
g) StreamWriter
h) StringReader
i) StringWriter
j) BinaryReader
k) BinaryWriter
l) Path etc.
g) StreamWriter
h) StringReader
i) StringWriter
j) BinaryReader
k) BinaryWriter
l) Path etc.
5) What is stream in
file operations?
Stream is a sequence of bytes traveling from a source to a
over a communication path.
6)Why Dispose ( ) comes into picture?
Garbage Collector is responsible for the automatic
memory management
but the Garbage Collector is under control of CLR.
Here file
operations are under control of OS so the garbage
collector will not
come into picture. To release memory used by the
instances in file
operation we need to call the Dispose ( ).
7)Which Name Space addded
in .net4.5 regarding file operations?
System.IO.Compression name space
This name Space contains classes that
provide basic compression
and decompression services for streams.
8) What
is the difference between Dispose ( ) & Flush ( )?
( ) is used to release
all resources used by the current instances
where as Flush
( ) is used to clear all buffer for the current stream.
9) What
is the use of Seek ( )?
We can seek to a specific location in our
file with the Seek ( ) method.
10) How
to get the total size of a physical drive in your computer?
By using TotalSize property of DriveInfo class in System.IO name space.
11)What is the difference
between ReadDecimal ( ) and ReadInt32 ( )?
( ) is used to read a
decimal value from the current stream
where as ReadInt32 ( ) is used to read an integer value from the current
12)What is the use of
BinaryWriter & BinaryReader class?
BinaryWriter class is responsible for write primitive
data types in
binary to a stream and BinaryReader class is responsible for
primitive data types as binary value.
13)How to get the file names present in a drive using directory class?
an array(upto .net3.5)
an enumerable
added in .net4.0).
to check whether the directory and file are exists or not?
15)What is the difference between Peek (
) & Seek ( )?
Peek ( ) is
used to Returns the next available character but does not
it where as Seek ( ) is used to set
the position within the
to get the directories names present in
system using directory
an array(upto .net3.5)
an enumerable
added in .net4.0).
17) What are the different types of files?
are 2 kinds of files. They are Text
files & Binary files.
to create a gip file?
By using ZipClass present under the
System.IO.Compression name space.
Ex:using System;
class Program
static void
Main(string[] args)
string startPath = @"c:\example\start";
string zipPath = @"c:\example\result.zip";
string extractPath = @"c:\example\extract";
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(startPath, zipPath);
19)Why we use Close ( )
By using Close ( ) we can close the current class object and underlying
20)What is a Stream?
can think of a stream as a channel on which data is passed from
senders to receivers. As far as the
programs we will use are concerned,
streams allow travel in only one
direction. The stream is basically the
sequence of bytes passing through the
communication path. There are two
main streams: the input stream and the output
The input
stream is used for reading data from file (read operation)
and the output stream is used for writing into the file (write operation).
21)What type of data ZipStream Compress?
Any data less than 4gb in size
22)How we can deal with the audio and video files?
By using Audio and video class.we create
the instances of these
classes and provides(path)as the
argument.In windows applications with
the help of MediaElement control we deal
with audio and video files.
23)how we will get the creation time of a file ?
By using the method GetCreationTime of
file class.
Console.WriteLine("file created: " + fileCreatedDate);
24)How to get last access time of a file ?
By using GetLastAccessTime method of file
dt = File.GetLastAccessTime(path);
Console.WriteLine("The last access time for this file was {0}.",
25)Which methods directory and directoryInfo classes have?
Directory class:Static methods
DirectoryInfo:Instance methods and is a
sealed class .
26)In directory and directoryInfo class to get directories and files information
which methods we have upto .net3.5?
GetDirectories for directories information
and getfiles for files information.
These will gives the result in an array
27)In directory and directoryInfo class to get directories and files information
which methods are introduced in .net4.0?
EnumerateDirectories for directories
information and enumeratefiles for
files information.These will gives the
result in Enumerable collection,this will
give better performance than
GetDirectories and GetFiles methods.
28)Why didn’t I have to use the Close () method to close the file after I
used File. ReadAllText () and File.WriteAllText ()?
A: The File class has several very useful
static methods that automatically
open up a file, read or write data, and
then close it automatically. In
addition to the ReadAllText () and
WriteAllText () methods,
there are ReadAllBytes () and
WriteAllBytes (), which work with byte
arrays, and ReadAllLines () and
WriteAllLines (), which read and write
string arrays, where each string in the
array is a separate line in the file.
All of these methods automatically open
and close the streams, so you
can do your whole file operation in a
single statement.
29)How can you change an object into a remote object?
Any object can be changed into a remote
object by deriving it
from MarshalByRefObject Class.
30)What is considered as remote object?
Any object outside the application domain
of the calling application
is considered remote object,even if the
objects are executing on
the same machine.
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