Saturday, 15 March 2014

Interview Questions and Answers on Generics and Collections in C#

1.      Give at least four class names which are present in System.Collections.Generic namespace?

1.                     List<T>
2.                     Stack<T>
3.                      Queue<T>
4.                     SortedDictionary<T>
5.                     SortedArray<T>

2.      What is Generic Delegates?

Ans: delegate can define its own type parameters. Code that references the generic delegate can specify the type argument to create a closed constructed type, just like when instantiating a generic class or calling a generic method, as shown in the following example:

public delegate void Del<T>(T item);
public static void Notify(int i) { }

Del<int> m1 = new Del<int>(Notify);

3.      We can create a Generic class, however, we cannot create a generic interface in C#.NET, Is it true?

Ans: No it false, We can also create Generic Interfaces.

4.      Generic procedures can take maximum one generic parameter, Is it true?

Ans: No it is false,Generic procedures must take at least one type Parameter.

   We have a code snippet like.....

 public class MyContainer<T> where T: IComparable
 // Insert code here

5. What is need of that Icomparable in the above code?

Ans:Class MyContainer requires that it's type argument must implement IComparable interface.

6.      Can we give multiple constriant on type argument? and if yes give example or if no then why?

Ans:Yes we can give multiple constraint on type argument.
      public class MyContainer<T> where T: class, IComparable
                  //Insert code here
  here Class MyContainer requires that its type argument must be a reference type and it must     implement IComparable interface.
7. Can we initailize a Generic List with some initial capacity and how?
Ans:Yes we can initialize List with some initial capacity by using the following constructor
8.      What are the different types of collections?

Ans: Collections are basically group of records which can be treated as a one logical unit.
      .NET Collections are divided in to four important categories as follows.

1.      Indexed based.
2.      Key Value Pair.
3.      Prioritized Collection.
4.      Specialized Collection.
9.      Explain about generics ?

Ans: Generics are not a completely new construct; similar concepts exist with other languages. Generics are defined with the CLR. This makes it possible to instantiate generics with a specific type in Visual Basic even though the generic class was defined with C#.

10.         Why hashtables are not serialzable in .NET?
Ans: The thing about XML Serialization is that it's not just about creating a stream of bytes. It's also about creating an XML Schema that this stream of bytes would validate against.    There's no good way in XML Schema to represent a dictionary.
  This limitation is not only Hashtable, the XmlSerializer cannot process classes     implementing the Idictionary interface due to the fact that a hashtable does not have a counterpart in the XSD type system. The only solution is to implement a custom hashtable   that does not implement theIDictionary interface.
11.  What is a List of Generic Type?

Ans:Lists are indexed based Generic Collections.Lists are Generic form of ArrayList.

      For example,

  List<int> ObjInt = new List<int>();

12.  What is Dictionary<TKey, TValue>?

Ans: Dictionary are key based generics collection.Dictionary are generic form of Hashtable.
For example:
Dictionary<int, int> ObjDict = new Dictionary<int,int>();
Dictionary<int,string> ObjDict1 = new Dictionary<int,string>();
ObjDict1.Add(1,"Prashant is a Silent");
ObjDict1.Add(2,"Dhananjay is Developer");
ObjDict1.Add(3,"Kundan is Romantic");
13.  What is Stack<T>?

Ans:Stack generic collection allows you to get value in "LIFO"(last in first out) manner.
 For example,
      Stack<string> ObjStack = new Stack<string>();
ObjStack.Push("SQL SERVER");
14.  What is collectionsUtil?

Ans:It help us to Create collections that ignores the case in String.

  Hashtable ObjHash = CollectionsUtil.CreateCaseInsensitiveHashtable();
  ObjHash.Add("feroz","he is a developer");
  string str = (string) ObjHash["FEROZ"];

15.  Which values are not used in built in genric types?

Ans:Boolean, which is a non generic value types.

16.         How does Generics enhance the performance?

Because it is type safe, due to which there is no need of Boxing and Un-Boxing.

17.  What is collection initializer?

Ans: Its a new feature introduced in C#3.0 which gives us permission to initialize a collection at time of declaration.


  List<int> liN = new List<int>(){ 1 , 4 , 5 , 7 };

18.         Can we define a generic method with multiple type?

Ans:Yes. We can define eg.
  Public void MyGenMethod<MyType>(MyType tp , int N)
       Console.Write("{0} \n {1}",tp,N);

  static void Main()

19.         Generics method or class can take any type as type parameter, how can we restrict it to take only specific type?

Ans:Constraints can restrict a generic to take only specific type according to constriant imposed on Generic.
      Class MyType<TP>where TP:struct
  in this case this class can take only value type as type parameter.

20.         What is Queue<T>?

Ans: Queue generic collection allows you to get value in "FIFO"(first in first out) manner.
For example,
Queue<int> ObjStr = new Queue<int>();
21.  What are Constraints in Generics& what are Different Type Of Constraints?

Ans Constraints are represented in C# using the where keyword Constraints is something restriction the way doing that in generics

There are 3 types of Constraints
1.Constructor constraint
 2.Derivation constraint
 3.Reference / value type constraints

22.  What are Generics and Casting?

The C# compiler only lets you implicitly cast generic type parameters to Object, or to constraint specified types.

The compiler explicitly cast generic type parameters to only an interface but not a class.

23.  How to declare Generic Methods?

Ans  Generic method is defined by specifying the type parameter after the method name but before the parameter list.

Example public string Add<T>(T val1, T val2).

24.  What is use of Generic List?

Generic List is an efficient method of storing a collection of variables
Generic List is strongly typed and casting.
Name space to declare generics is using System.Collections.Generic.

27. Difference between Generics and Array List?

·Array List is not type safe because it faces problems of boxing and UN boxing.
·List generics are type safe and do not require boxing and UN boxing situations.
·In terms of performance of application List generics is better than array list.
·Array List can save different type data types.
·List generics we can save only specific data type.
·Array List consumes lots of memory compare to list generics/

28. What are unbounded type parameters?

·Type parameters that have no constraints, such as T in public class   SampleClass<T>{}, are called unbounded type parameters. Unbounded type parameters.

29.What are rules of Unbounded type parameters?

Ans: The  !=  and == operators cannot be used because there is no guarantee that the concrete type argument will support these operators.

·      Text Box: • They can be converted to and from  System.Object  or explicitly converted to any interface type.

You can compare to  null. If an unbounded parameter is compared to null, the comparison will always return false if the type argument is a value type.

29.What Is IEnumerator?

Ans.IEnumerator is the base interface for all non-generic enumerators.

30.Difference between IEnumerator and IEnumerable?

Ans IEnumerable is an interface that defines one method GetEnumerator which returns an IEnumeratorinterface, this in turn allows readonly access to a collection. A collection that implements IEnumerable can be used with a foreach statement.

31.Does Generics shift the burden of type safety to the programmer rather than compiler?

Ans: False

Lightweight dynamic methods can be Generic?

32.Does Generics provide type safety without the overhead of multiple implementations?

Ans. True

33.Name Few Of the Classes that belong to System.Collections.Generic?

Ans SortedDictionary,stack,List,Queue,LinkedList.

34.Can We Use Generics delegates  in C#.NET?

Ans Generics delegates are allowed in C#.NET but we can't impose constraints on it.

35.Describe IList<T>

Ans. It Represents a collection of objects that can be individually accessed by index.

36.What Are The Properties Of Icollections<T>?

Ans. There Are Two Properties Of Icollections<T>


37.Only those procedures labeled as Generic are generic.Is It True or False?


38.Differences Between C++ Templates and C# Generics?

Ans C# generics do not provide the same amount of flexibility as C++ templates. For example, it is not possible to call arithmetic operators in a C# generic class, although it is possible to call user defined operators.

39.How Information can be obtained on the types used in a generic data type  at run-time ?

Information on the types used in a generic data type can be obtained at run-time by means of reflection.

40.What is the most  common use of generics?
Ans The most common use of generics is to create collection classes.
 41.What Is a Generic Type Argument?
Ans.A generic type argument is the type the client specifies to use instead of the type parameter. For example, given this generic type definition and declaration:
public class MyClass<T>
MyClass<int> obj = new MyClass<int>();
42.What Is a Constructed Type?

Ans. A constructed type is any generic type that has at least one type argument.

43.What Is an Open Constructed Type?

A open constructed type is any generic type that which contains at least one type parameter used as a type argument.

44.What Can Define Generic Type Parameters? What Types Can Be Generic?

Ans. Classes, interfaces, structures and delegates, can all be generic types. 

45.What Is a Generic Type Inference?

Generic type inference is the compiler's ability to infer which type arguments to use with a generic method, without the developer having to specify it explicitly. 

46.Why Can I Not Use Enums, Structs, or Sealed Classes as Generic Constraints?

You cannot constraint a generic type parameter to derive from a non-derivable type. For example, the following does not compile:
public sealed class MySealedClass
public class MyClass<T> where T : MySealedClass //Does not compile 

47.Is an Application That Uses Generics Faster than an Application That Does Not?

Depending on the application of course, but generally speaking, in most real-life applications, bottle necks such as I/O will mask out any performance benefit from generics. The real benefit of generics is not performance but rather type safety and productivity.

48.Are Generics CLS Compliant?

Yes. With the release of .NET 2.0, generics will become part of the CLS.

49.Can I Use Generic Attributes?

You cannot define generic attributes:

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